CANCOM Comedy Symposium

The first of its kind. Free to attend all six workshops via livestream from cities across Canada.

Welcome to the Symposium

The CANCOM Comedy Symposium is a series of hybrid events featuring professional development workshops for Canadian live comedy performance workers in artistic and technical occupations. All comedy industry stakeholders are invited to attend for free.

For the first time ever, federal funding will go toward a national comedy program designed, managed, and delivered by comedy artists, for comedy artists.

‍Read that again.

This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Ce projet a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.

The Objective

To provide long-term career networks and improve skills for comedians and comedy tech workers. This will help them create content, find employment, and access the support necessary while pursuing comedy success on the global market. Workshop topics are inspired by comedy artists and workers, and include: Pay Culture, IP & Branding, Touring and Showcasing, Pro-Health & Anti-Oppression, Digital Reach, and more.

The Symposium will create ongoing opportunities for economic activity and professional advancement, as well as resources for health improvement for all participants. The programming will be made accessible to live comedy performance workers in all geographical regions and equity-deserving populations.

For other industry stakeholders, the Symposium will result in an even stronger talent and project pool for the development and performance of original Canadian comedy content, on-stage, in writing rooms, and on-screen. This unique national event will bring the comedy community together in an informative and rewarding way that has never happened before.

Ce projet a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.


Membership is FREE!

Access to all six (6) Workshops and all four (4) Follow-up Workshops is free. Becoming a CANCOM Member is also free and helps support momentum for, and communications about, programs such as this Symposium.

Not a CANCOM Member? Become a CANCOM Member here and you’ll receive emails with links to attend all Workshops.‍

Already a CANCOM Member? You’ll already receive emails with links to attend all Workshops.

BTW, you’ll need your Membership number to apply for CANCOM Comedy Grants.

Find your Membership number here.

01 Pay Culture

What should comedians expect to be paid for the variety of work, festivals, appearances they take on? Why is there still pressure to work for little to no pay and experience? How do we contribute to problems when it comes to payment tiers and how can we create change?

02 Star System & Digital Reach

How can we promote and showcase home grown talent? How can we overcome the limits of the Canadian “Star System” and go global? Can Canadian comedians actually monetize content online? Is the digital community our farm system for new talent?

03 Touring & Showcasing

What you need to know about touring within your region, across Canada, and the U.S., as well as how to get shows overseas, and be seen by the right people in the right places.

04 Pro-Health/Anti-Oppression/Anti-Competition

We’ll address how unique comedy workplaces present amazing communities for creative support and promoting health, but, unfortunately, sometimes also toxic cultures for health, safety, harassment and discrimination concerns.

05 IP & Branding

In addition to your writing, live performance, and produced content, discover how to build your “brand”. We will discuss marketing, e-commerce, and sponsorship strategies. Plus, let’s talk about who’s actually in control of your Intellectual Property (IP)?

06 Investment, Funding & Development

Find out what streaming services and broadcasters are looking for in terms of content, and how to pitch each of them properly. What other funding resources and platforms exist for Canadian comedy creators that aren’t NFTs?

CANCOM Supports Canadian Comedy

The Foundation for Canadian Comedy (CANCOM) bolsters the creation of Canadian comedy content made and owned by independent professional comedy artists.