For the Comedy Grant guidelines, please visit the CANCOM Comedy Symposium virtual lobby (free). Just enter your email, and click on “Comedy Grants”:

The CANCOM Comedy Grant program is the first federal grant of its kind in Canada exclusively for the full scope of comedy work created by Canadian comedians. The goal of this grant is to provide funding for original comedy projects by Canadian comedians.

This is the second round of funding made available by CANCOM industry partners and sponsors.

Eligible comedians can apply for up to $2,000.

Applications must be received by the CANCOM Selection Committee prior to 11:59pm PST, February 19th, 2023. Applicants will be notified of their results by March 25th, 2023.


  • Become a CANCOM Member (Free): Click Here

  • Contact to set up your showcase profile (Free), email: [email protected]

  • Attend the CANCOM Comedy Symposium to find the guidelines and application portal (Free) in the virtual venue lobby, by clicking “Comedy Grants”: Click Here